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Feeling Overwhelmed By Conversations About Life Purpose?

Some help to overcome the stress factor.

The concept of "Life Purpose" often feels like an unsolvable riddle or, a sweater that just doesn't fit. It's as though we're on a cosmic quest to discover a grand mission, and the stakes seem exceptionally high. The pursuit of purpose can indeed be daunting, with the implied idea that we're either living intentionally or we're not living at all. (Gasp!)

So, when we think about purpose, what's the game plan? Let's start with what we know: we all invest our time in various activities – some ripe with meaning, others not so much. Those meaningful experiences? They're like the vibrant strokes of paint that add color and depth to our lives. They bring us joy and a good tired at the end of the day. And the less compelling activities? Well, they're there, but they don't carry the same weight.

What if we approached the question of purpose from a different angle? What if, instead of pondering, "What should I do with my life?" or "What is my life purpose?" we asked ourselves, "What can I do with my time that feels worthwhile, meaningful, and satisfying? What scratches my inner itches and makes me smile?"

Life purpose doesn't have to be a mythic quest. It can be as simple as paying closer attention to what really matters to us, and discovering meaning in the everyday. We don't need to constantly wrestle with the cosmic significance of our existence; that will ultimately steal our joy.

I've crafted a set of questions that might just help shed some light on what matters to you and perhaps give you a few insights on what adds meaning to your life. These questions aren't a bullet train to meaning, but they may ignite a spark. Keep in mind, uncovering meaning can be an enjoyable, engaging, and dare I say, fun ride.

  1. In one sentence, who are you? (remember, have FUN with this)
  2. What has been the primary focus of your life so far?
  3. What are the top three qualities you look for in a friend?
  4. What's something about you that has remained constant and never changed?
  5. When was the last 3 times you were really angry. I mean really angry. Is there a common thread? (This can often be a good sign of what matters to you).
  6. What has the little voice inside your head been saying recently?
  7. What advice would you give your 18-year-old self?
  8. What hopes do you have for your future self?
  9. What should always be taken seriously? What should be never taken seriously?
  10. What promise(s) to yourself do you still need to fulfill?
  11. If you were to teach something to a large group of people, what would you most love to teach?
  12. If all of a sudden, you had 2 months of free time with unlimited resources, how would you spend them?

As you explore these questions, keep in mind that finding meaning is mostly about embracing the journey of self-discovery, where you play the dual role of both artist and masterpiece.

Peace in your travels,

~ Pete