Work with Peter: Assessments

In my practice, assessments serve as invaluable conversation starters and catalysts for growth.

Let me be clear: I don't see assessments as tools to pigeonhole anyone.
Rather, they're like 3-way mirrors, offering glimpses into different aspects of ourselves.
The journey of self-discovery is lifelong, and assessments provide stepping stones
along the way. They often reveal patterns, strengths, and blind spots, sparking
meaningful dialogue and fostering continuous learning. Here are three I am certified in:

  • The Birkman Method™
    The Birkman assessment empowers clients by providing insights into their behaviors, motivations, and occupational preferences. This heightened self-awareness enables more informed decisions regarding career paths, work environments, and interpersonal relationships, leading to greater satisfaction, success, and fulfillment.
  • The iEQ9™ (Enneagram)
    The iEQ9 is a transformative tool that illuminates core motivations, fears, and patterns of behavior, the Enneagram provides a comprehensive roadmap to understand your inner world and all that makes you, uniquely you. Armed with this understanding, people can lead themselves with greater clarity and purpose. More than just a personalitytyping system, the Enneagram offers a pathway to freedom from self-limiting beliefs and habitual patterns, empowering individuals to live more authentic, fulfilling lives.
  • Core Strengths/ Total SDI 2.0™
    The SDI® 2.0 isn't just about our actions—it's about understanding why we do what we do and how that impacts how we connect with others. By focusing on motives, the SDI 2.0 helps lead ourselves and others better. It's about navigating interactions with precision, making our communication and relationships stronger and more effective.

Curious about assessments?

Let's jump on a call to discuss if one of the assessments I work with may help move you or your team forward.